Van Gogh and the Potato cake (ENG)

Van Gogh and the Potato cake (ENG)

To finish the Van Gogh’s menú, after the potato soup and gnocchi, here you have a typical Mallorcan dish: coca de patata (potato cake). Vincent Van Gogh was in Nuenen for two years, and in this time he painted around 200 oil paintings, and some 

Van Gogh and gnocchi alla sorrentina (Eng)

Van Gogh and gnocchi alla sorrentina (Eng)

After the potato soup, the second plate inspired by Van Gogh are potato gnocchi alla sorrentina. As I explained to you last week here, Vincent Van Gogh made several artworks based on potatoes. The most famous is Potato eaters, but we can also find other artworks 

Van Gogh and the Potato Soup (ENG)

Van Gogh and the Potato Soup (ENG)

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) is one of the most known artist from the 19thcentury, with paintings such as Starry Nightand his self-portraits. For me, Vincent is more than colorful artworks. In his intense life he tried to embrace different themes and techniques: japonism art, pointillism technique,